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Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the new interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.

If you’re organizing a slido with multiple rooms or you’re expecting a bigger audience, you might need an additional pair of hands to help you approve questions or activate polls.


Co-hosts offer you the extra help that you need – and you can invite just about anyone to be one. 


With our paid plans, you can share your slido with as many co-hosts as you need. If you’re using our free basic plan there’s a limit of 10 co-hosts per slido. 

In this article:



What is a co-host?


A co-host is someone who is invited to help with your slido. They can create and edit polls, as well as moderate the Q&A if needed. 


After you invite a co-host, they create their own account using their own email address. No need to share any credentials!


Can I invite a member from my license to be a co-host on my slido?


Absolutely. Members from your same license can be invited as co-hosts to as many slidos as you need them to.


Keep in mind that there is one big difference between co-hosts from your license and external ones. Co-hosts from your license will have access to your slido settings, while external ones, called Guests will not. 


External co-hosts are listed as Guests within Team management. This is to distinguish them from internal co-hosts who are listed as members.



Invite co-hosts to your slido


You can invite co-hosts to help with your slido by email or using a shareable link.


To send an email invitation to a co-host:

  1. Open Settings and select the Collaboration tab
  2. Click on Add co-hosts and type in the email address of your desired co-host
  3. Select Invite to send the email invitation

The email invitation link is valid for 30 days. You can resend or revoke the invitation anytime using the three-dot menu.

Add co-hosts to help with your slido

If you wish to enable a shareable link, simply toggle on the option, copy the link and share it via email or your preferred communication tool.

Please note that shareable links are not available for organizations with member SSO including Webex licenses. 

Once you invite a co-host, they'll receive an email with the invitation. If they don't have a created Slido account, they'll be asked to create one. If they do, they can simply log in. To access the slido in the future, they can do so by visiting and logging in. 


Remember that a person can be a co-host in only one slido at a time – unless they’re a member on the same license.



Allow external co-hosts when SSO is set for your Slido organization

If you're using single sign on (SSO) for your Slido organization, you can only invite people who are already members of the organization. To allow co-hosts to log in without SSO, the organization owner needs to enable the option Exclude guests from SSO in the Member SAML/SSO settings under Organization settings.


Exclude external guests from needing SSO credentials

Only the owner of a Slido organization can change the SSO settings. 



Manage co-hosts


If the co-host's email invitation expired, you can simply resend it or revoke it. You can also revoke access of any existing co-hosts.

  1. Open Settings and select the Collaboration tab
  2. Click on Add co-hosts and select the three vertical dots next to the co-host
  3.  ​​​​​Select Revoke access/Resend invite
Manage access of co-hosts



Co-host competencies


People you invite to help with your slido can do all the actions related to running Q&A and polls. However, they cannot access or change the slido settings, unless they are members under your same license.


Co-hosts can ✅:

  • Moderate, archive, answer, label, highlight or delete questions
  • Activate, edit or create new polls
  • Access Analytics
  • Download exports

Co-hosts cannot ❌:

  • Edit the slido code or dates
  • Edit privacy settings
  • Create, turn on, or turn off Multiple rooms
  • Add branding
  • Access settings


Inviting a co-host who is a member on your same license grants them full access to your slido. The above restrictions do not apply to them.



Useful tips and troubleshooting


Add co-hosts to multiple slidos with full access to settings

  • If you want to share multiple slidos with your colleagues and let them access the settings, you can add them as additional members.


I’m g​​​​etting the "Please use email from suggested members" error

  • If you're getting this error and you are a license owner, go to Organization settings - Member SAML SSO and make sure the Exclude guests option is checked. If you're not a license owner, copy the article link and contact the license owner to do so.

I’m getting an error saying "This member has been deactivated and cannot be invited as a guest" 

  • If you're getting this error, it means that the member you're trying to invite is currently a deactivated member of your organization. Before being able to invite the member as a co-host to your slido, they have to be either reactivated or completely removed from the organization first. This can only be done by the organization owner and admins. If you're not one of them, copy the article link and contact them with your request.

My co-host is labeled a “Guest” in my Team tab

  • This means that your co-host is external and is not a paid member under your license. If you were to add another internal member as a co-host, they’d still be listed as a member in your Team tab.



Learn more:


Hello @Lynda Booth 

this is currently not an option in Slido. I can forward it as a feature request for the future. At this point once your co-host has access to Slido they can manage both Q&A as well as polls. They just can’t access the settings of your Slido. 


How to I restrict a co-host to the Q&A section only? I do not want them to manage/change the survey’s polls etc.

I would like to share a created quiz created in slido to let others in my organization use it. However, would like to prevent others from editing the quiz questions. Is that possible?

I want to invite colleagues to moderate and respond to questions only and not be able to manage edit or archive my polls, quizzes, etc. How do I do that? 

Hey @EConrad ,

It seems like the person you’re sending the invitation as a co-host to has a pending (unaccepted) invitation as a member seat on your organization which would block them from being able to accept the co-host invitation.

Could you please reach out to and provide the email you are attempting to invite as a co-host, we can then look at the accounts to see where their email stands in our system.


I am trying to add someone as a co-host but its giving me:  “Inviting a member with an active seat request is prohibited. Please approve or decline the seat first”  I don’t know what this means. I haven’t had issues adding others as co-hosts.

Hey @plizon ,

Those that are co-hosts from outside of your organization will not have access to the Settings of the slido, they are only granted moderator access to assist with adding polls, activating/deactivating polls, and moderating the Q&A.

Those that are co-hosts from within your organization (they have a paid member seat on the same organization) will have access to the Settings of the slido and can enable/disable the different Rooms you have if needed.

Let us know if this helps.


Hi Carly, i’m aware of that. My comment was more a suggestion feature. As a co-host can handle an entire slido, being able to hide/unhide rooms can be feature to allow to guest

Hey @plizon ,

Those that are co-hosts from outside of your organization will not have access to the Settings of the slido, they are only granted moderator access to assist with adding polls, activating/deactivating polls, and moderating the Q&A.

Those that are co-hosts from within your organization (they have a paid member seat on the same organization) will have access to the Settings of the slido and can enable/disable the different Rooms you have if needed.

Let us know if this helps.


Hi, i think that one delegated right is missing : co-hosts should be able to turn on/off rooms. The room creation should remain an admin privilège, but when rooms are used to separate sequences of a meeting, a moderator should be able to desactivate the current room (used as a topic) and activate the next topic / room

Hello @jcredstory

This is currently not possible with how the feature works. Co-hosts can manage an entire slido and it cannot be set for a specific room only but I will pass this as a product idea from you. 

I am trying to share access to a slido with a colleague of mine (she does not have a license) but as soon as I enter her email I receive the following message: Sent invitation failed. It worked with another colleague’s email however. Does anyone have a hint how to resolve this issue? Thanks :)

Same problem - I think it’s something new with Slido 

Is there a way to invite a co-host but only give them editing access for a specific room? I.e., a breakout room speaker can manage polls for Room 2, but not for the rest of the slido.

Hey @Law K,

Editors in your Google Slides presentation get access to Slido automaticallyIf they have our Slido for Google Slides add-on installed and log in, they immediately become co-hosts in your slido which allows them to create polls and Q&A.

Hope this helps :)



I use Google Slides integration for my presentation.
If I already share access (as an Editor) to the Google Slides document to a colleague, could he also Launch the presentation via the Slido add-on button if I add him as a co-host (and so if he logs in as this co-host via the add-on on his device) ?


Hey @Slido-explorer,

Co-hosts can only access one slido at a time but they can manage all polls within it. If you need to give someone access to multiple slidos at a time, you would need to purchase a member seat for them instead.

Hope this helps! :)

Is there truly no way for the co-host to access more than one poll at a time?

Hey @Ameade,

At the moment, co-hosts cannot duplicate slidos, so if you’d like to duplicate it please reach out to the slido host.

However, you will find polls from slidos in which you’re a co-host in under ‘My previous polls’ and you can add these to other slidos.

Hope this helps! :)

Someone duplicated a slido and I edited the questions. Now I want to duplicate the slido but I can’t. When I mouse over it, I don’t see the option to duplicate. Is this because I was not the original author of the slido?

Hey @Maggie,

Welcome to Slido! :) 

It seems like the A/V people are asking for co-host access to your slido.

  1. You will first need to log in at and open the slido you’re using during your event
  2. If you haven’t created it yet, here’s the tutorial
  3. You can then give them access either by entering their email into Slido or by sending them the shareable link

They will be asked to create co-host accounts and then they can manage Slido.

They might also need a link to Present mode which shows polls and Q&A. You can simply open Present mode and then copy the link and send it to them.

Hope this helps 🙂 If you have any further questions, please let us know!

Hi there- 


I created a Slido for a hybrid conference I’m doing and the A/V people are requesting an admin link to work with. This is my first time using Slido and I’m not sure what they are referring to. Where would I find the Admin link to send to people who are helping run the Slido during the event. 

Brilliant - thank you Jenai

Hi @Felix2109,

I think I understand what you’re getting at. There’s no straightforward way for your facilitators to extract those polls they would like to use for their own slidos but there is a workaround. 

You could create a dummy slido, put all the polls you would like to share in it, then invite your facilitators as co-hosts to the slido.

Once the facilitators have access to the dummy slido, they will find the polls from the dummy slido in their templates.

You can set the date of the dummy slido for a maximum of up to a year so you don’t have to keep changing it.

Let me know if this helps or answers your question.

Thanks Jenai. Let me fun this concept past you (cos I am not looking for others to use the polls WITH me but in their OWN classes. So can I perhaps set up a (dummy) slido into the future, put in all the polls that we want to share in that slido, and then they can all “extract” those they want to use for their own slidos? Assuming this works, I probably have to keep changing the date of the dummy slido so they dont disappear. Is there a time line ahead of which we cannot schedule slidos?
Thanks - hope my question makes sense

Hi @Felix2109 

Yes, you and others can create polls and share them with your facilitators so they can use them also.

You will need to create your slido, then invite your facilitators as co-hosts via email in the Collaboration section of your slido settings.

You can find a more detailed overview of sharing and adding co-hosts here:

Let me know if this helps.

I work for in a large trainer team. Can I (or others) create polls and then share them across our facilitators so we can all use them? We all have SSO.
