
Slido dates


I’m using Slido for LightSpeed Council meetings which occur every two months.

My slido for LightSpeed Council meetings has end date 30-June-2023. This date already extended but I need to keep extending it since I don't have end date for those meetings.

My questions are:

  1. Can I extend the slido to additional year even if its already being extended in the past? If I will extend it, is it going to impact the analytics report ? Am I going to lose some historical data?
  2. Is there  an option not to define due date for the event?





Best answer by Carly from Slido 3 May 2023, 18:15

View original

2 replies

Thank you very much Carly for your quick response.

Your answer helped me in solving my issue. I plan to extend the event due date.



Userlevel 4

Hey @Keren ,

With our Paid Plans you can have the event date open for up to a year. There is not currently an option to not input an end date.

Changing the end date will not delete any of your event data. There is not a limit on how many times you can extend the event date either.

Let us know if this helps!

