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Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the new interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.


Large organizations often set up data retention policies to protect their members’ data and ensure compliance with internal privacy guidelines. This article explains how data retention policies work in Slido, what they mean for members and how members can retain their data.


Data retention policies are only available for Enterprise accounts with over 100 members. If you are a license owner and would like to set up a data retention policy, please reach out to


In this article:



What is a data retention policy?


A data retention policy is a rule set up in the back-end of Slido which automatically deletes individual slidos, along with their data, after a certain period of time. This period of time is called the data retention period.



Does my account have a data retention policy?


If your organization has a data retention policy, you should see a blue banner pointing this out when you log in. If you are not sure, please ask your license owner whether they have set up a retention policy.


Please note that data retention policies have to be requested by license owners, so not all Enterprise accounts have this policy.


Banner displaying that a data retention policy is in place


If your data retention policy is set for more than 60 days, the banner will say Your organization has a data retention policy set up on your account. Please periodically back up your data to avoid any data loss.



How long before my slidos are deleted?


The data retention period is defined by the license owner and starts with the last day of the slido. For example, if the data retention period was 30 days, then your slido would be deleted 30 days after its end date.


To check the length of your data retention period, please see the banner in your Slido account or ask your license owner.


If the banner in your account does not specify the data retention period, please reach out to your license owner.



How can I keep my data?


To keep your data, make sure you export it as soon as the slido has finished. Just go to your slido’s Analytics section and click Export near the upper right corner. 


Export your data to save it longterm


Learn more about data exports in our specific guide.



My slido has disappeared – what do I do?


We cannot recover any data deleted as a result of a data retention policy, so please remember to export data you’d like to retain.


If you have any questions or concerns about your data retention policy, please reach out to your Slido license owner.


If your account does not have a data retention policy and your slido has disappeared, please reach out to





Curious about more?


Period of time data can be retained and accessed? 

Where is it stored? 

How is it filtered for access? 

Hi @Roshni

The legal section of our website will be able to answer some of your questions on this. I am aware you are already in touch with our support team, who should address your specific requirements soon! 

Hi There,

I am missing the option to choose if or when the collected answers will be deleted.

helpful would be sth like “delete the answers of this event every month” with variable time to be set.


Thx :)

Hey @GWK,

Data retention policies are available for Enterprise licenses with 50+ users, but I will pass on your request to make them available across all plans :)

You can always reset polls in your events at any time.

Hope this helps!

Looking for confirmation as to where SLIDO slide content is stored when using SLIDO for PowerPoint.  Relatedly, would also be interested in knowing if SLIDO information goes away if my SLIDO license expires.

Hi @kdconat,

the Slido data are always stored on the server in your account. PowerPoint slides with Slido doesn’t store any data submitted to polls, Q&A or quizzes. They contain only simple information about the poll. You can use Slido Analytics to export data from Slido events.

Your data stored in Slido are covered by our Terms of Service.


@Jozi from Slido 

If a data retention policy is not set in out organization, Can users keep their data forever until deleted accounts?
or is there other data limits?
for example, a number of Slido event (Users can keep 1000events,,,? )

Please tell me data limits when no data retention policy.

Hi @Sushi and cake

A data retention policy would need to be set in your organization for this. 

If your organization isn’t planning to do this or has below 50 users on an enterprise plan (see our Data retention FAQ’s which ), the best workaround would be to ensure all analytics and data from your events are exported after the event has take place. 

If you have any more questions, our customer care team are available on to look into your specific case.

Hope this helps! 

Hi, Cori! Thank you for replying!
Do you have minimum data retention period you assure?

Hi @Sushi and cake

No, This is set when a policy is set up by your organization. Your data as stored in Slido is covered by our terms of service

If you are the account owner and curious to set up data retention for your organization, please contact our customer care team, who will be able to point you in the right direction to do this. 



Where can I found the out the range of data retention & my slido account owner?

Hey @WarrantySimi ,

If your account has a Data Retention Policy set, you should see a banner on the top of your home page letting you know the length of the policy.

We store your data for the duration of the contract between Slido and you. Simply said, as long as your account exists, we need the data to be able to provide you with our Services. You always have an option to terminate the contract. If you would like to delete Slido account, please check out the article covering this topic in our help center.

If you are a User on the account and looking for the Account Owner could you please reach out to to see if that information is something we can provide to you, or you may need to look internally or this information if it is a company license.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

