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I would like to use Slido to do an anonymous Polak game

  • Do you think climate change is a big deal? 1-10
  • Do you feel like to can do something about it? (Do you have agency) 1-10

And then produce a chart plotting the results

Is this possible with Slido?

Many Thanks

Hello @SteveWillis 

we do provide ranking poll that allows you to ask a question and people can vote from 1 star to 10 stars. It can all be done anonymously and then you would see the results as shown below. If that would help you with the Polak game then Slido should work. 

Also we provide a free Slido with limited features which you can use for testing. It allows you to use 3 polls in one Slido. Maybe it would be worth testing it if it fits your needs.
