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Any answers makes the quiz correct

Hi! Is there an option to select multiple correct options in a quiz but choosing any makes the answer correct? I currently just know how to make them all required for the question to be correct. Thank you!

5 replies

Userlevel 3

Hello @XaviAmor,

Thank you for sharing this. At this point we do not offer this option for participants. When multiple correct answers are selected then attendees must pick all to get the points. 

However I will pass this to our team as a feature request. If we receive more requests like yours our team may consider this for future development of the product. 

Hello! I wanted to echo the need/interest for this feature as well! That way a quiz can be used to gauge our participants knowledge while also functioning as a poll within the same functionality.

For example, I am currently working on a “quiz” for a new task group at work and I want to get the members thinking about some factual details within an icebreaker quiz, but also gauge their familiarity on some concepts/topics with questions like “have you ever used ___? if so, in which of the following context(s)?” or “how would you describe your familiarity level with ___” that they can select.

This may be a feature that is incorporated now (maybe?), but I wasn’t entirely sure if the above response applied in these situations still (i.e., “When multiple correct answers are selected then attendees must pick all to get the points.”).

Userlevel 4

Hey @trav ,

Thanks for sharing!

Would a regular Multiple Choice Poll work for your use case? You can allow multiple options to be correct in a Multiple Choice poll that are correct, and you can also allow your participants to select multiple options (without them having been marked as a correct answer).

Let us know if you have any other questions.


Hi @Carly from Slido! Apologies for the delay; the end of last week turned out busier than expected.

Our team was specifically interested in testing the overall quiz interaction within our meeting as a way to engage our coworkers in internal company calls in a lighthearted manner. We really liked the timing and integration of all the questions into one interactive element, as well as the final scoring and ranking.

Overall, our test run was received very well, but the team found it discombobulating when the open-ended questions were flagged as “wrong.”

Although we saw the Multiple Choice Poll and other interactions offered by Slido, our Teams chat already includes poll features that provide a similar user experience. It would be fantastic if we could create interactions like the multiple-choice poll within the Quiz feature!

As of now, we are hesitant to fully incorporate Slido into our company ecosystem for the use cases I mentioned above. However, for questions that do not require open-ended responses, we will definitely be keeping it in mind!

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.

Userlevel 4

Hey @trav ,

Thanks for sharing more details.

We will pass this along to the team as feedback for future consideration.

Let us know if you have any other questions or suggestions!

