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Dear Slido Developers,

I have created some quizzes with Slido and would like to share them via a link. However, I do not have this possibility, when I click on the three dots for the settings. How can I share my quiz with the students? 

If I am not mistaken, last week I was able to do so, when I was playing with my first quiz.

Many thanks in advance!

Hi, there, Dragoana,
Thanks for your question!

Our quizzes can only be run live and, therefore, it’s not possible to share a quiz via a link (it’s been like that from the very beginning). 

The way it works is that you as an admin would activate a question, wait until your students vote, show the correct answer, and move to the next one (as described in our Quiz article).

However, I can see how this might be useful for you! Some of our customers have also mentioned similar functionality, so we’ll definitely pass it to our developers' team for further consideration.

To understand better why would it be beneficial for you, would you mind explaining a little more? 

Looking forward to hearing from you back. 

Is there any progress to be expected on this feature? I would like to know, whether there are any plans to allow running a quiz asynchronously any time soon.

My client would like to run a quiz as part of an exhibition, where visitors can view the quiz on their mobile phones via a QR code and go through the questions at their own pace. At the end, each user should see which of the questions they got the correct answer to or which answers would have been correct. A comparision with other users is not important for this use case.

I would love to know whether Slido could be applied here.

Many thanks in advance!

Hi Robin and Dragoana, have you been able to find a solution to your questions? I am trying to solve the same quiz functionality issue and I can’t see if this functionality has been introduced on the platform. 

Thank you for your help!

Kind regards,


Hi @Kseniia & @Robin Hettlage

Unfortunately, quizzes are still only available to run live.

Running quizzes asynchronously remains as one of our requested features on our product teams’ radar, however we currently don’t have a concrete timeline as to when this will be released. 


We’ll make sure to update you as soon as we know more! :blush: 

I need a quiz that is not live, where people can do at their own time.

Hi @melkhun,

Unfortunately, this is still not possible.

But I’d love to know more about your use case to understand in which circumstances you’d be looking to use a quiz asynchronously? :) 

Hi there I also need urgently the QUIZ function for audience to play at their own pace, especially as we would like to use it over a 2 days HOPIN event - so not playe live, but played at own pace, means all quiz questions need to be activated at once without displaying the correct answers . How can this be solved?


Hi @Anke,

Unfortunately, this is still not possible with Slido. Our quiz function is built to be used live - however, for your specific use case, a survey might work well too! 


You can set up a survey with multiple questions and keep it live during your event. A good tip is to dedicate a separate Slido room to keep this survey active at all times. 

There are some limitations to using a survey though, for example, you won’t get a leaderboard at the end and will have to look at the answers manually through data exports if you want to determine a winner. 


Please let me know if this could work for you or if you need any more help! 

Hi Alex thank you so much - this would help but where can I deacivate an anonymous answer as this way I would not find out who gave their replies in the survey? I could not find this and by default the anonymous answer was activated…..


Hi @Anke,

You can set up requesting names of your participants when they join your event in the Privacy Settings.

Here’s a full article with detailed steps 👇

 Hope this helps! Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.

Hi, can I create a quiz that is NOT live? I would like to send participants a quiz after the course not during it. 

Hi @Yarelys,

Unfortunately, as discussed above, it’s only possible to run a quiz live. 

Maybe a survey could be an option for you too? Just like I suggested for Anke? 

Let me know if you need help with setting that up :)  

Hi is it possible to allow participants to join the more than one time and not in a live quiz?? 

I tried to create a quiz and shared the link with participants to do any time they want but it seems it doesn’t work tit’s showing voting is closed! How to solve this issue? 

Hi @HD-Q,

Unfortunately, our quizzes still only work in a live setting - meaning that all your participants are taking the quiz at the same time. It is because this feature was developed for live meetings, events or lectures. 

This means that if you send someone the link to a quiz and they open it at different times, it will show as “voting closed”.

While expanding this feature to support asynchronous quizzing is definitely on our radar, we don’t have a set timeline yet as to when this will be available. I’m very sorry about that!


I’ll make sure to update you on any new developments regarding this feature 😊

Please let me know if there’s anything else that I can help you with in the meantime!

Dear devs,

We need asynchronous quizzing ASAP, please make it happen please:grin:

Hi, @malimali

I’ve added you to the list of customers requesting this feature and forwarded it to our developers. Fingers crossed for the future!


I want to know if slido has the function of selecting correct answers and moving people to next question if they get the answer correct, or if they stay on the same page if they get it wrong so they can try again?

Also is it possible to put more than one question on a page.

Hi @Haraiclark,

Sorry for the late answer!

Unfortunately, the way Slido quizzes are built is that the whole group of participants taking the quiz moves between questions together, no matter if the answers were correct or wrong. 

It’s also not possible to put more than one question on a page for a quiz. You can try to use a survey instead, however, this would only put all your questions on one page, allowing you to select which one of the answers is correct. A survey won’t give you a leaderboard of the participants at the end and you’ll have to export data after your event to determine the winner. 


Let me know if there’s anything else that I can help with! 

Hi Slido team,

One more vote for the asynchronous quiz feature please!

Of course I am also looking for this option ;-)

Hi Slido team,

One more vote for the asynchronous quiz feature please!

I would also love the asynchronous quiz function.  I have 20 questions to get through and don’t want to wait on the slowest person for EVERY question

Can asynchronous quizzing please be added as a feature URGENTLY?

Definitely interested in the asynchronous quizzing!

Hi, this seems a little silly that Slido has not yet solved this highly demanded request. The number of people asking vs. the lack of attention to the answer makes me wonder how much Slido really cares about its customer’s concerns. 

PLEASE, create asynchronous quizzing ASAP. We’ve been asking for over a year now. 
