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Is there a way to get notifications whenever a new question is posted? Use case is when Q&A is being used to collect questions over an extended period of time; not just during a short, one-time event. Thanks!

Hey @sarawolf,

At the moment it’s not possible to set up notifications for new questions. The only way to see some sort of notification would be to set up Q&A moderation - with this you will see a bubble appear next to your Q&A tab when there are new questions waiting for review.

Thank you for bringing this up, we get this request every now and then and I will pass it on as a feature request.

If you have any questions, please let me know :)

Okay, thank you for letting me know. Yes, please do submit for a feature request. Thank you!!

I also would like this feature. It would be nice if we could get an email if a question is posted and needs moderation review/answering. It would be nice to have the ability to turn notifications on or off and/or designate which email/account (I am on a team) we would like to send the notification to.

Hey @alexc,

Thank you for letting us know! I will pass it on as well :)


Don’t add this feature. It might ruin the anonymity aspect of Slido because people might use the notifications to cross-reference the time and question asked to determine who asked the question through various means.

I would also like this feature and/or a way to be able to forward a question via email so that we can continue to get feedback after the meeting

It would be a great feature to get notified when a question is submitted for moderation. Has this been implemented yet? 


Hey @smilner,

No, this feature has not been implemented but when a question is waiting to be approved, you will see a notification in your Slido admin.

Please keep upvoting these ideas and requesting them as we pass them on to our product team :)

Is this feature any closer to being implemented? It would make the Q&A and Ideas features much more useful!

Hey @Melissa K. ,

This is not a feature that is on our current roadmap.

To stay up to date with any Product and Feature updates please check our Product News.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

