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Possible to Vote several times same Voter

  • 26 February 2024

Hi, I am testing to set up a vote for a club. I just came across a problem which I haven’t solved yet.
I read, that it is not possible to vote twice if

-you use the same e-Mail address “in the same browser” (on the same device), but: if you use it on another device, I think, I was able to vote twice with the same e-mail address. 


I limited the access to only two e-mail addresses in the Slido Settings, one was mine, one of a colleague. 

My two mobile phones share Multi-Cards and the access code was sent to both of them to g-mail address. Both seem to share the same g-Mail account. Both received the mail. (while SMS to my knowledge only goes to one of the smartphones.

And with that I was able to vote twice, one time on each device. (there are two allowed e-mail addresses in my current Slido, but now 3 counted votes)

Now I also tried, to vote again on my PC (Laptop) device on which I also started the Slido Poll. And this vote was not identified as a new one.  

Is there a solution for this?






Hey @Thomas L. ,

If you have a Paid plan, we can customize the backend of your event to allow for the browser to refresh. This is typically done for events that have a single device and want multiple people to be able to respond to the polls from that single device. If this is the use case, please reach out to to see if we can set this up for you.

You can only allow the participants to “Edit” their response, but not to submit multiple responses unless the do what you have tested above.

Let us know if you have any other questions!


Thank for your reply. I will start another test with the same preconditions. I would not swear an oath that I only had two/the two same designated e-mail adresses in my allowed e-mail list during the whole process (setting up the e-mail list, than starting the poll and during the whole poll). But I was convinced I had. 

Considering your answer the problem as so often was sitting in front of the screen.  
