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I have a couple of questions regarding the multiple rooms. 


  1. Are we able to use these rooms as sort of “breakout rooms” where teams will have separate codes and go in and respond on the polls/questions being asked? 
    1. Follow up - Will we be able to collect these responses to broadcast it to the wider team?

Hello @Raisa 

the multiple rooms feature can be used for dividing one Slido into more rooms. Participants and also administrators can switch between these rooms but they are all located under one Slido code. 

You can use these rooms for collecting responses and then export the results and share with other teams. I am not entirely sure what you mean by broadcasting it to wider team. Would you please specify it for me? 

For example, we’re looking to use these multiple rooms for different teams who will be assigned to each room/code to complete a survey. These teams will need to complete the survey together as a team. For additional context, there will be approx. 15 teams/15 rooms and towards the end we will essentially receive 15 different answers to the survey. What we would like to do is share the results preferably in a PPT format to everyone. 

Additionally, we purchased a one time event for the professional version so that we can have the multiple rooms feature. Are we able to test this out multiple times before the event? 

Hello @Raisa 

if they vote as a team then one person will have to submit the vote so it is sent as one vote. After receiving 15 votes you would actually see 15 different poll results. What you could do is exporting the data and pasting it in some excel form in one chart - this would have to be done manually as Slido does not have such feature. 

As you have purchased one-time professional plan you can test it in advance. Just set up the dates for the actual event date and after testing reset the poll results

Got it. Another question is if we can view the participant names in a live survey. We’re wanting to look at the results in the presentation view but it won’t show the participant names. Is there a way we can view this without having to go through the Analytics tab? 

OR is there a way we can run multiple open text polls at the same time as I noticed we can view the participant names in the open text polls separately but not in the survey.

You are correct you can only view the names with the open text polls and they are not visible in surveys. The only option to run a parallel open-text polls is activating one poll per one room. 
