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registration form

  • 19 July 2023
  • 1 reply

Since slido has the option to embed your videostream into the platform it is obvious to use slido as your main stand-alone platform. in that case creating a registration form would be useful. is this something that already exists or is it on the roadmap?

I've been out for a while so I don't know if my question is current.

Thanks in advance for your time!



Hello @Frank,

It is possible to require name, e-mail for your participants to gather it in the beginning. This way you would be able to gather information about your joined participants. 

But participants can submit fake e-mails or names. For receiving exact e-mails you would have to turn on restriction on what e-mails can access the event. But the e-mails have to be entered manually which may be a bit tricky when having many participants. 

Otherwise we do not offer registration in Slido.

