
Showing survey results by group

  • 23 September 2023
  • 3 replies

Has progress been made toward being able to show survey results during live polling by groups? I noticed some community discussion a year ago requesting that feature but have not seen anything recent about progress in that regard. Thanks!

3 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey @KOL , 

Could you explain a bit more by what you mean by “group” please?

What type of group are you meaning? Showing all of the Survey poll results at once? 

Once I understand your question better I would be happy to help clarify :)


I’m quizzing parents and their teenagers on the same questions during a Zoom presentation and I want to show the results for each group next to each other instantly. Is that possible?

Userlevel 3

Hello @KOL this would not be possible with one Slido event. But I am thinking that as a workaround you could have 2 slido events. Each event would be for a different group. You could open Present view for both events by having each browser window opened on half of your screen. That way you would have 2 present views opened at once.
