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If i have around 150 participants participating in a quiz. Would there ever be a scenario where there would be a tie in an individual quiz question? (ie. right answer and same speed to answer) and would there be a way to avoid that?

Hi @khaled,

Yes, it is possible that two participants will have the same number of correct answers and a similar speed of answer. However, the system measures answer speed down to the milliseconds and it is quite unlikely that your participants will have the same exact time, unless you are very very lucky I suppose :)

Because of this, when participants have the same number of correct answers, the leaderboard will always show the faster person above the slower person, even if the difference is just milliseconds. 

Please note, the leaderboard shows minutes and seconds. If you would like to see milliseconds, you can find them when you export the results.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

Continuation to above response, can we have milliseconds data showed in leaderboard live rather exporting and then analyzing later. 

Hey @jashwini ,

There is not currently an option to show this but we will submit it as a feature request for future consideration!

Let us know if you have any other questions!


How many participants can i enrol for quiz at one given point of time..? And do i need to pay anything for it??? 

Hi @Dr Sandeep Prabhu

The limit on the basic free plan with Slido is 100 participants

Hope this helps!

Any way to set up some friendly competition when multiple answers are correct, each with there own separate points or partial scores, and winner is calculated with the most points. For example,

Fill In The Blank: “Raging ____”? 

Bull (74)
Waters (7)
Fire (3)
Hormones (3)
River (3)
Rapids (3)

I’m trying to create a “Family Feud” style game for audience participation. Thanks!

Hello @Honeybee,

It is possible to select more correct answers in our quiz. Point for correct question is received if all correct answers are marked by participants. 

Also I am not totally sure I understand if this is what would help in your use-case. Please provide me with more details or alternatively reach us via chat or e-mail at and we would be happy to help. 

Is it possible to show who answers each individual question correctly and the quickest? It appears the leaderboard is a cumulative picture of correct answer and speed. I would like to see speed for each quiz question if possible. 

Hello! I am using SLIDO for first time (free version) and I I created a quiz. I would like to know how many participants I can invite.

hi @Cris

On the free plan you can have up to 100 participants.

Let me know if you have any more questions! 

