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Hi there,

I'm running an event and polling my audience to see which marketing slogans they like the best.

I aim to poll the audience with the slido ranking poll and the most popular slogan will then advance to the next stage. There are 36 different slogans and I aim to have 6 slogans per slide. The winner of each slide to progress to the final round where I will do another poll asking which slogan is the best. Is this possible on slido ?


Thank you


Hey @Boey8791 ,

So you will have 6 Ranking polls, and the top winner from each poll will be placed into a final Ranking poll to determine the winner?

If so, this is possible, but you will need to manually copy the winners of the first 6 polls and input them to the final Ranking poll for your participants to vote on.

Let us know if this helps or if you have any other questions!

