
Slido Elevate: How to build a healthy team culture in a hybrid world

Slido Elevate: How to build a healthy team culture in a hybrid world
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  • Slido Community Manager
  • 78 replies

Last week, we had the pleasure of putting on Slido Elevate, Vol II, which focused on building team culture in an ever-changing world. The packed agenda aimed to provide our audience with practical tips on how to nurture connection, engagement, and trust in the workplace.


Watch the recording of each session below to gather tips and insights on how you, too, can build a thriving workplace culture. You can download the presented slides here.


Here are some of the key learnings from our amazing speakers

  • Craig Forman from Culture Amp emphasized that to build a healthy organization, one must first build a culture of listening. It's not just about collecting data and trying to understand it; the crucial step is to listen and take action. Here’s Craig’s keynote:

  • Arlen Love from T-Mobile, a digital workplace guru, shared that flexibility can lead to higher productivity within teams and that workplace tools should provide just that. Watch the fireside chat with Arlen:

  • Our expert panel reinforced the idea that designing your culture is like designing your product. Leaders give direction, but culture is owned by everybody, so we all need to contribute in small steps. Watch the full panel discussion below:

Peter Komornik, Co-founder and GM of Slido



And here is what we learned from you - our audience


To kick off the event, we asked our remote audience some questions during our exclusive ‘Culture Check-in Session’. Here are some of the findings:

  • Nearly half of the participants are working mostly remotely.


  • Participants are quite satisfied with their organization's culture and gave it a 4.5 score (out of 6).
  • When it came to describing their culture, however, the results showed some negative words, such as "siloed," "disjoined," or "frustrating." These were balanced, though, with words such as "inclusive," "supportive," and "humane."
  • When asked about the one thing participants would change about their culture, the most common answers were "communication," "transparency," and "engagement."


After three hours of content from our experts, it was heartening to see the key takeaways from our attendees:

  • We all own culture.
  • It's better to try something and fail than to seem like you don't care enough to try.
  • Culture is a key driver of success.
  • Culture matters.
  • Healthy culture is a predictor of future success.
  • The future of work is currently being defined by all of us.
  • Making sure all voices are heard (the best ideas often come from the quiet ones).
  • I can help foster inclusivity as an individual employee through everyday small efforts.


Now, we’d love to hear from you - our community!


👉 How would you describe your workplace’s culture?

⭐️ Any tips and tricks on how to improve it? 


Let us know in the discussion below.



Hope you enjoyed this edition of Slido Elevate!

We will be back soon with more webinars and events on culture and meeting design 🚀


If you're interested in going more in-depth on how to build psychological safety in the workplace, join our next webinar on May 18 and register here.


Once again, thank you to all of our attendees, both in-person in San Francisco and online, and, of course, a special thanks to our wonderful speakers for sharing their knowledge with us! 🎉

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