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Intro slide keeps getting skipped

When I first start presenting as the host, instead of staying on the screen where it just shows the QR code (and give people time to join and setup), it immediately jumps into the first poll question with the QR code on the left side. How do I stop it from doing that?

Hello @Kylewis98 

can you please confirm if you are using some integration like Slido for Powerpoint? 

The holding slide with QR code is displayed when no question is active or when Q&A is displayed. If you are using the integrated Slido you could try to add Q&A slide before some poll. This should result in showing the joining instructions. 

I was just hoping to use Slido in the browser and present from there. When I first click the ‘present’ button, the holding slide displays for a short second and then immediately disappears. Is there no holding slide in the browser mode?

Hello @Kylewis98,

this is a screenshot from my Present mode of Slido. If there is no poll active it should not show anything just this. But if someone posts a question into Q&A then the QR code should still be visible in the side together with the joining instructions. 


Right, that’s the screen I want. When I click ‘present’ in the top right corner, it only shows THAT screen for a second and then immediately jumps into the first poll. How do I stop it from doing that? I don’t want everyone to see the first question till we’re ready


can you please check in the panel if some poll is active? If yes please click on the red button. 

