Product News

What's new in Slido: October 2023

  • 30 October 2023
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What's new in Slido: October 2023
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Can you believe it’s already October? The year has been flying by and the holidays will be here before we know it. Before that though, our team has some exciting product releases and updates that we think you’ll love 😍


💡 Improved Q&A performance


Believe it or not, Slido now performs much faster when managing your Q&A session (say what?!). When highlighting, archiving, or even marking questions as answered, Slido moves quicker than ever




 🔒 Slido for Windows updates


We’re always working to strengthen and boost all of our integrations. This month we’ve added security upgrades and overall performance enhancements to Slido for Windows



🌎 Region included in Organization Settings


Slido license owners will now see their specific region listed within their account. Check it out by opening up your Organization settings looking under the General tab. 


📣 This is especially helpful for clients who integrate their Slido data with Theta Lake and need to specify their region. 




That about sums it up for October. To stay in the know with all things Slido, subscribe and be the first to hear about all of our updates. 


Thoughts or feedback? Let us know at 💪

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