Warm welcome and introductions 👋

Userlevel 5
  • Slido Community Manager
  • 78 replies

Hi everyone and welcome to Slido Community!


My name is Alex and I’m a Community Manager here at Slido 👋


We’re excited to co-create this space with all of you - our Slido users, fans and partners to collaborate, share knowledge and network with each other.


To start things off - please introduce yourself in the threads below, share a little bit about yourself, where you work, what’s your role and how you use Slido 🤗


This is a great way for all of us to get to know one another! 

36 replies


Asiovu kingsley is my name and i am very exited to be part of this great community. It has been a great experience using Slido

Hey Team! 

Love being on a team of like minded people who are striving for ways to “do things better”. My natural talents are in executing, so I have enjoyed Slido’s forgiving nature, allowing me to learn by doing! The community will be a good way for me to be more strategic and save time, energy and some frustration I am sure. Glad to be here.


Hi!  I am happy to join this community!   I am in banking and we use Slido quite a bit for colleague engagement.    

Hi there! I’m Jennifer! A new student at Merit America just now learning how to work with Slido! Great to be here!

Hello everyone, I am a beginner in the use of Slido and look forward to many new suggestions. 

Hello Everyone,

I am a retired academic psychiatrist who continues in private practice. I am interested in learning to integrate slido into my presentations using zoom as a platform. 

Thank you so much. 


I am Philippe , 


I will be with you next time for a discussion. Right now I only want to use the poll for an AGA.

My Name is RyanLozinsky and I would like to learn new ideas with the community and talk to them abt new things Abt whts going on.And just join meetings to have discussions of whts being said in the group. Thanks.


Hope to benefit from slido account, I'm beginner and step forward to learn how could apply it in my interactive lecture,



Hi my name is Ryan Lozinsky and I was wondering if u could join a community work space group  in this app slido?

I am Briony from a public service organisation.  This is my first time using Slido and just learning to get to grips with using the platform

I use slido when facilitating with a global audience at Citibank. From Q&A to polls, interactions and surveys, slido is my go-to platform.

I love the webinars slido hosts. I learn both from the topics themselves and from the facilitation of the events themselves.

I am a big fan, program manager and facilitator.


I'm Jan van Veldhuizen. Recently, I started with the Basic subscription on Slido. Surprisingly, the 3-quiz limit isn't a problem. Each quiz can have a bunch of questions. Using the Google Slide add-in, I can slide in these questions anywhere and tag on a leaderboard at the end. This way, one quiz is enough for a solid interactive presentation.

I think @susan.torpey might find this interesting.

One thing though: I wish I could add my own images to the Slido screens. Paying €180 just for that feels a bit steep, especially for the more casual presentations I do outside of work.

Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with Slido so far.

Userlevel 3

Hello @Paul_ 

I would suggest reading this article: https://blog.slido.com/7-tips-for-getting-the-most-out-of-slido-at-your-event-2/

It can help you to go through the most important parts. 

Hello Slido world!

Paul here, planning my first NHS conference with Slido to 100 people with 10 speakers and feeling nervous!

Any tips?

Paul 😀


Hey @susan.torpey ,

Free (Basic) Slido license allows you to add 3 polls per event.

If you need more than 3, please take a look at our pricing page where you can see all our plans, and find out which one suits your needs the best. All paid plans come with unlimited number of events and polls.

Hope this helps!

Good morning!

I am very new to Slido and want to add more questions to my teams presentation.  I currently only have 3.

How do I go about adding more?




My name is Rosemary. I am a lawyer by profession but I'm currently working in a real estate company as the Head of sales department.

I'm looking forward to exploring this creatives setup with my team.


Thank you.

Hola a Tod@s


my name is also Alex (in full Aleksejs). I am a school teacher and lector at the university. I would like to use Slido for my lessons.

Good luck!



I we are The White Hatter, digital literacy and internet safety education specialist company facilitating workshops and providing presentations on technology safety and privacy subjects.

The White Hatter is the brand icon of Personal Protection Systems Inc. a company established in 1993. Our mission is to provide students, teachers, parents, adults, businesses, and law enforcement with the knowledge and tools necessary in today’s digital world.

Hi there 

I’m Benedicta Etornam Quarshie 



Hi everyone.

I'm Abiodun Mustapha

It's great to be here

Hi, I’m Memo from Miami, I’m an actor that loves helping other actors, so I often give presentations or seminars. I’m tryiing to use Slido on my next one.

Hello my name is Kleio, I am assistant peofessor in Socail Work in Public Health, at the HMU, Crete, Greece!!!

So nice to be part of this group

Hi - my name is Gerhard and I am going to use Slido during my webinars to generate feed-backs.  
