
How do I make a poll active for weeks or months?

  • 13 February 2022
  • 3 replies

How do I make a poll active for weeks or months so I can gather data in a class that repeats. Can polls only be LIVE? or can I turn one on and leave it on and just give all my students the link to access it week after week?

3 replies

Userlevel 5

Hi @Alpine,

There are two ways you can gather data in a poll over weeks and months - you can either keep it live and share the event code or you can share a direct link to the poll.

As you mention, you can activate a poll and send your students the event link to access it. Just remember that if you want to use other polls in the event, this would not be the best option because only one poll can be live at a time.

A better option would be to get a direct link for the specific poll or survey and share that with your students. This way you don’t need to activate the poll as the direct link will work whether it’s active or not and you can use other polls in the event, too.

Hope this helps :) Let me know if you need anything else and good luck with your class!


I have multiple questions in my survey, how do i keep all the questions active over a couple of days? ATM only one question is live. 



Userlevel 2

Hello @education,

as I do not have direct view on your events I could only assume that by having only one poll live it could be that it is not created as a survey. If you already have the polls created then try to merge them into a survey. 

Then you could share a permanent link to your active survey and people could vote into all questions at once. 

If this would not help I would suggest approaching our support via chat or via e-mail at 
