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Structuring multiple speakers and decks for a single event

  • April 15, 2024
  • 1 reply

Our event consists of 2 days with 9 presenters.  It is all in a single room with each presenter bringing their own deck.  What is the best way for me to structure this?  I have a single event lisence.

1 reply

Carly from Slido

Hey @jamie12ax7 ,

Thanks for sharing the details of your event.

For this, are all Presenters using the same polls for their sessions?

Typically, if you are hosting different presentations with a single Slido event with mulitple presenters, we would suggest creating Multiple Rooms for each session. This allows each presenter to input their respective Room into their own deck. There wont be any interference between the sessions either as you can only run 1 Slido room/session at a time.

The Slido event would look like this:

  • Room 1 > Presenter 1 Presentation
  • Room 2 > Presenter 2 Presentation

All the data will remain in the same Event, and you can see the room breakdown in the exports of the data as well.

Let us know if this helps or if you have any other questions!



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