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Hello! Is there an option to export all the content created in slido? Not the results from slidos, but rather all the quizzes, questions, and possible answers with marked correct answer too, for example.


Thank you!

Hey ​@dmsc ,

There is the option to export your Slido Analytics Summary: 

Or you can export specific sets of data following this guide:

Let us know if you have any other questions!


Thank you! I love this functionality but I was looking for one about the quizzes themselves - the list of questions, corresponding options and correct answers, rather than the results of participants.

Hi @dmsc, 

With polls, there’s an option to download images of your poll (each question would come as a separate image). You can find it in your Analytics tab: → Poll insights → Share → Download image or Copy image to clipboard. This way you could get the images of your poll questions individually (as shown in the screenshot below).

Hope this helps!

