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Hide the names of Quiz participants before it starts

  • November 20, 2023
  • 1 reply

Our client would like to hide the screen that shows the names of Quiz participants as they join, so it’s totally anonymous and nobody knows the number of participants.

Have searched and can’t find an option to disable this screen. 

Has anyone also had to do this?

1 reply

Ondrej from Slido

Hello @joe_gpj,

this is something that cannot be done with our Quiz. It is automatically set that the participants names are visible. 

There could be an alternative option and it would be using single polls with correct answers. Your client could set up the privacy to require names so that participants need to fill in their names for voting. At the end they could export poll results per user export and they would see how many points each participant scored. It is a bit of manual work but they could evaluate the winner anonymously. 

I would recommend testing this suggestion to make sure it would fit their needs as this would be more as a workaround. 


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