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Hi, i’m new. I have an event with ppt presentations and I am about to buy a new plan in order to have more than 3 polls available. since i may have to present the ppt the day after the one of the event, does Slido consider it one event - meaning I can use the same pools I prepared - or do I need to consider it another different event? Thank you 

Hey @fra1991 ,

If you purchase an Annual Plan, you can use the slido as many times as you’d like.

If you upgrade the slido currently prepared to a One-Time Plan, you can use the slido for up to 7 consecutive days as many times within those 7 days.

If you would need any further troubleshooting you can utilize our Chat feature to talk with a live agent from our Care Team or you can email us at as well.

Let us know if you have any other questions!


I’m not sure you answered the question fully as regards reusing the poll / QR code for consecutive events - I have the same question - I have professional access but how do I retain the responses from one event before clearing for the next? assuming its the same QR code etc as I am using the same slides. thanks

Hey @Lambes02 ,

Above, the re-using of the event depends on the type of plan being used.

You can export the results of your polls and Q&A before resetting them for the next session, following the steps from the below article.

Let us know if this helps answer your question.

