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Quick Assistance Please

  • December 5, 2024
  • 1 reply



i have just upgraded my plan to  one-off plan professional for our upcoming event on Dec 13, next week. 

Unfortunatelly, it seems like the slido i’ve been working on under Basic plan got activated somehow, which means that i won’t be able to use this slido on Dec 13, becuase i understand that under One-off Professional plan, i can only use one slido which only last for 7 day. 


Could you please fix this?  

1 reply

Ondrej from Slido

Hello ​@Soona park 

from the information you are saying it seems like a different Slido got upgraded than the one you wanted. Could you please approach our Customer Care team via ? 

Please let them know which Slido code you would like to have upgraded instead and they will be able to help. 


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