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Response comes in 1 word per box answers

  • October 24, 2023
  • 1 reply


Sometimes when a respondent types multiple words in their response for a word cloud, each word comes in it’s own box.  For example: “The sky is blue” comes through as “the” in one box, “sky” in another box, “is” in another box, and “blue” in another box.  So then instead of one box that says “the sky is blue” we have 4 boxes that doesn’t make sense.  

This only happens some of the time, which is confusing to me. Most of the time responses come with multiple words (as in a sentence) in one box.  


Can anyone shed some guidance on this?

Thank you!

1 reply

Ondrej from Slido

Hello @kellocity,

I would suggest using single words for our word-cloud as that works ideally. For longer responses I would rather use our open-text poll. 

You can find details about how our word-cloud works here