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Slido Elevate: The Science Behind Leading Through Change

  • 23 November 2022

Last week, we had the pleasure to organize Slido Elevate, the first of the event series offering industry-leading insights into emerging trends in meeting design and culture.



You can download the slide deck here. 


The packed agenda focused on giving our audience science-backed tips on how to successfully manage and lead through change.


Here are some of our learnings


How we feel, influences the way how we think, which will influence the way we approach change.

  • We need people to feel empowered to share feedback, rather than being apprehensive of being the critical voice.

  • We need people to embrace and leverage tech, rather than fear new tools.

  • We need to have the conversation at the right time, rather than when the change has already happened.

  • We need people to feel included and have a sense of ownership, making change a decision they are part of, and not something that just happens to them.


Slido Elevate 
Workplace changes word cloud


To bring our audience closer, we started off by asking What workplace changes have they gone through recently and got some very interesting answers.

From figuring out what the ideal hybrid environment should look like, turbulent economic situation, recession, and at the organizational level, restructuring and even layoffs. 

Based on the inputs from our audience, it’s heartening to know that, we do not need to go through change alone.


We also looked at some potential threats that come with change

According to CBIA, employees are 3x more likely to seek employment somewhere else during a period of change.


So, the next question we asked our audience was What do you think are the main reasons why employees leave their jobs during change?


We Asked You...


While there are different issues that managers deem important, such as compensation, workload, and even the ability to work remotely, the reality looks different. 

Here are the top 3 reasons why people left their jobs (Mckinsey 2021):

  • 54% do not feel valued by the organization
  • 51% lack sense of belonging within their teams
  • 46% desire to work with people who trust and care for each other 


To learn even more about how every employee processes change differently and how leaders can recognize it, here’s a special interview with one of our speakers, Hilary Scarlett, the author of Neuroscience for Organizational change.


If you prefer written format, check out our blog post!


Thank you so much to all of our attendees both in-person in London and online, and of course, special thanks to our wonderful speakers for sharing their knowledge with us!


Are you going through change in your organization and would like to know how Slido can help? Get in touch at

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