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Old Slido

Invite new users to your team account

Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the old interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.


If you wish to invite new users to your team account, there are two ways to do it. You can either invite a specific person by sending them an invitation email or you can get a unique link that you can share with colleagues.


In this article:


Invite via email


After you've purchased new slots for your team account, you can invite them to start working on their own Slido events or help you with your existing ones.

  1. Go to your Team
  2. Click Invite and type in the email address
  3. Simply select the role and confirm


Your invited colleague has to accept the email invitation in their inbox in order to join your organization.







You can also get a sharable link to share with your colleagues which can either give them immediate access to your organization or simply be a way of accepting requests to join your organization.


If colleagues can automatically join your organization, they will be asked to confirm a verification email sent to their address, granting them a User role.


If you approve requests manually​, you will see them in your Slido admin. Once approved on your end, the new user will receive an email invitation which they have to accept.


This option also allows you to add email domains that are allowed to use the link.

  1. Go to your Team and click Invite
  2. Choose which domains can access the link and select how new users can join the organization
  3. Copy the link


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