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Old Slido

Q&A insights and Question Sentiment in Slido

Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the old interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.


The Question Sentiment section of Analytics categorizes questions submitted as Neutral, Positive, or Negative once your meeting's Q&A is over.

This feature where the categories are automatically applied, is currently only available in English. It is, however, possible to manually group your questions into categories in meetings in other languages AND if you disagree with the categories applied.

How it works

We estimate the Q&A Insights using our own machine learning model. The analysis doesn’t depend on any list of predefined keywords or input checking by Slido.


During this process, the data doesn't leave our infrastructure and is not exposed to third parties.

In this article:


Question Sentiment overview


To see your Insights:

  1. Go to Analytics
  2. Scroll to the Q&A Insights section

As you can see, the top left of the dashboard underneath Q&A Insights displays the Total Questions - asked during the session, the Anonymous rate - the percentage of questions that were submitted anonymously, and Named authors - the number of named participants who asked questions.


Accessing Analytics and Q&A Insights


Edit Question sentiment category

Sentiment of questions is automatically shown in instances where it can be automatically detected. Data shows how many questions fall into the three categories - positive, negative, and neutral. Underneath the sentiment bar for each category shows how many questions have been applied to each sentiment.

If you think that a question has been incorrectly assigned to a category, you can edit it by selecting from the dropdown category box to the right of the question.


For some questions we are unable to determine sentiment so they come into the Question sentiment section as unknown. In this case, you would select a category manually.


The question list and word cloud update to only show questions with the selected sentiment once the user selects a category to filter (positive, negative, neutral, or unknown). You can also select clear filter to display all sentiments.

​ Editing Sentiment score & picking categories


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