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Old Slido

Run a Survey via Slido

Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the old interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.


Surveys allow you to ask multiple poll questions at the same time. They let you group several polls which participants then fill in all at once. They’re also a great way to ask for feedback.


Available in all paid plans. 


Here’s a quick how-to video:


In this article:


Create a survey

If you’re starting from scratch and don’t have any polls in Slido yet, start by clicking on Create surveys at the bottom of your Live polls tab. 

Start a survey from scratch


 If you already have some polls in your event:

  1. Click on Create poll and select Survey
  2. Select a type of poll (Multiple choice, Word cloud, Rating, Open text, Ranking)
  3. Type in your questions
Creating a survey


If you’d like to make a survey question mandatory, toggle on Required question on the right-hand side. Marking a question as mandatory means that participants must answer it to able to submit the survey.



Quick Tip #1: Turning a single poll to a Survey

If you started with a poll but want to add more questions to it, you can simply do so by clicking on Edit and then Create a survey at the bottom. 

Create a survey from a single poll

Quick Tip #2: Merging single polls to a Survey

Did you create your polls separately, but then decided to run them all at once? Don’t you worry, you can easily select the ones you want to group to a survey and merge them together



Edit and re-order poll questions in a Survey


  1. Click the three vertical dots next to the Survey and select Edit
  2. Drag and drop your questions to change their order
Reorder your polls in a survey


Changes appear immediately even when the survey is active.


Activate a Survey

To activate your survey, click the play icon next to it. The survey will then show up on participant devices as well as Present mode.

Activate your survey


Display Survey results


You can display your survey results one question at a time

  1. Activate your survey
  2. Click on the monitor icon to show the results of a specific question in Present mode and on participant devices
How to display survey results to your audience


Please note that results will only show up for participants if you select the monitor icon.



You can share your survey with the audience using a direct link if you wish. This can be useful if you're aiming to collect feedback after your meeting or event.

  1. Click the vertical dots next to the survey and select Share
  2. Copy the Direct link or click on the two rectangles next to it
  3. Send the Direct link to your participants
Get the permanent link for your survey




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