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Delete your slido

  • 24 August 2020

Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the new interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.


If you’re finished with your slido and no longer want to store it or its data, you can easily delete it.


Here’s how to do so:

  1. In your list of slidos, find the one you wish to delete and select its three dot menu
  2. Choose the Delete option
  3. Confirm by selecting Delete once more
Deleting a slido


Keep in mind that after deletion, your slido is gone forever.



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6 replies


For some reason I can neither delete or duplicate events. I am not sure why. I could do it before and there is the option for other events, but not the one I want to delete or the one I want to duplicate.


Userlevel 5

Hey @INPO Learning Dev,

Could you check if you are a guest in the event you’re trying to delete or duplicate? Guests cannot delete or duplicate events.

To find out if you are a guest in an event, you need to go to your event list and check whether it says that the event is in someone else’s organization. The screenshot below shows what it looks like for a user when they’re a guest in another event.

Let me know if this helped :)

Is there an option to bulk delete events? We run multiple unique Slido’s a day across multiple users with the webex integration and the older events are starting to get in the way.

Userlevel 4

Hey @CPAx ,

You can request to set up a Data Retention Policy for the Webex org which would automatically delete Slido events after a certain amount of time which you can decide you would like, 30, 60, 90 days or a year. Whichever would work best for your organization :)

Let us know if you have any other questions!


I accidentally deleted the wrong event. I urgently need it back. What can I do?

Userlevel 4

Hey @Sabrina_AMS ,

Please email to see if we can restore the event for you.

