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Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the new interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.


Once you’ve created a slido, you’re ready to get your Q&A set up. Participants will be able to submit their questions and upvote other ones. This helps you determine the most pressing topics and address them first.

See the video guide below or read on for more details.


In this article:



Getting started

Select the Add option under Audience Q&A. Then adjust any settings and close the Q&A options menu when you’re finished.


Add Audience Q&A to your slido


Q&A options

  • ModerationReview all incoming questions. Approve them so they go live for participant to see – or dismiss them.
  • RepliesAllow participants to reply to each other’s questions.
  • Character limit: Change the character limit for submitted questions.
  • LabelsEnable and organize labels for questions. You can also decide if a Label is visible for participants or not.
  • DownvotesEnable downvotes for participants. This allows them to downvote submitted questions they don’t see as relevant.



Collecting questions


How your participants can submit questions depends on the specific dates that you’ve set up.

How to share your joining link or QR code


Below shows how your participants can submit questions in Slido. 


Submitting a question as a participant



Using moderation


With our paid plans of professional upwards, you can use the Moderation feature which allows you to review the questions submitted by the participants before they appear live for everyone to see. You can approve the questions which you want to be displayed publicly and dismiss the ones you don’t.

You can turn it on or off from the Q&A options in the top right corner. When moderation is turned on, the questions will show under the In review label. If you select this, you can then review your questions and approve or dismiss them. The approved questions will then display to participants.


Moderating Q&A questions


Pro tip: Use the arrow icon to minimize your list of interactions. This gives you more space to review incoming questions.


Minimize or expand your list of interactions



Presenting your Q&A


When displaying Slido during your meeting or event, make sure to share Present mode with your audience. You can then also manage the Q&A directly from there.


Highlight a question that’s being answered and then Mark it as answered once you’re ready to move on to the next question. The questions are sorted by popularity, i.e. the most upvoted one appears at the top.

Present Q&A and manage questions from there


Question replies

Every Slido plan allows you to reply to submitted questions as a moderator. This way you can answer questions in written form or leave a message to a question that is not relevant for the Q&A. Replies are displayed only to the participant.

Reply as a moderator

Pro tip: With Moderation enabled, you can reply privately to questions before dismissing them.

In our Professional plan and higher, you can also enable Participant replies so that participants can reply to the submitted questions as well. You can do this by toggling on the Replies in Q&A options on the right.

Enable participant replies in Q&A options


Additional options

There are three additional Q&A options under Settings → Customization → Present mode → Audience Q&A.

  • Number of displayed questions - Adjust the number of displayed questions in Present mode (3, 4, 5 or 6)
  • Latest question - Display the latest submitted question in Present mode
  • Fullscreen highlight - Once you highlight a certain question, it shows in Fullscreen
Additional Q&A settings




Curious about more?


That’s great template for energizing before starting the class thanks.

Hi there,

I am Ade. I am a beginner and need to organize a slido question and answer session. Can you help?

Hello @GWFR4 

I would like to share with you 2 videos. One with setting up a Q&A and then also one for live polling. Please take a look at them as it could help you with the initial setup:

In case you would have any additional questions please let us know.

If I am hosting a live Q&A and need to use the moderation feature, do I need to have it in “present” mode on one screen and then have another screen for reviewing the questions? 

Hey @devynosborne ,

Yes, you can see the Moderation section from your Host Mode (at where you create Slido). If you want to use only the Present mode, you would not be able to use Moderation if you only want to control incoming questions from Present mode.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

