If you are hosting a Webex meeting or webinar and using Slido, you can add co-hosts to help you manage polling and Q&A.
You can add them directly at slido.com. Or if they are a meeting cohost or webinar panelist, they can request access directly from the Webex sidebar during the event.
Essential requirements and limitations:
In this article:
Add a co-host before the meeting or webinar
You can invite someone to help manage polling and Q&A in advance via the Slido website. Then when you add Slido to your Webex meeting or webinar, they’ll be able to see the same slido under Apps.
To invite a co-host beforehand:
- Go to slido.com and select Log in with Webex
- Once you’re logged in with your Webex credentials, select the slido you’re using in Webex, or create a new one
- Go to Settings and expand the Share access section
- Type in the email address of the person you’d like to add as a co-host and click Invite

For more details about adding somebody to your slido, see our guide for adding co-hosts.
Once you start your Webex meeting, you or your co-host can launch Slido from Apps > Slido. Just make sure to select the correct slido.
As the meeting host, you must add Slido to Webex before any co-host can access Slido in the sidebar. Once you do so, they’ll see the slido they’ve been invited to when opening Slido via Apps.

Give a cohost or panelist access to Slido during your meeting or webinar
Meeting cohosts and webinar panelists can request Slido co-host access directly from the Webex sidebar – without having to set it up in advance.
After you (the meeting host) add Slido to Webex, any meeting cohost or webinar panelist will have the option to request Slido access.
To do so, cohosts and panelists need to:
- Go to the Apps in Webex and select Slido in the sidebar
- ​Click the Request access button

Once they do this, you will see a request to help manage Slido in your sidebar. You can decide whether you want to approve it or cancel:

The following article helps you understand the different roles in Slido and Webex:
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