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Hello. I want to convert an activity that my learners currently do on flipcharts (in-person) to Slido, but I don’t think it is possible Does anyone have any ideas?

I have a flipchart (or physical whiteboard) with  options (m/c) for them to mark how often they do something…. but it has 2 parts so that they see the results of the 2 (similar) questions side by side. We talk about the disconnect based on this.


Another use I have is where I (virtual) display a graph (curve) and the participants annotate where they fall along the curve. Can you do this in some way in Slido (so this can be done in person)?



Hey @INPO Learning Dev ,

Thanks for explaining your use case!

For the Multiple Choice questions, we can only display the results of one poll at a time, not 2 side by side. If you collect their responses in a Survey ahead of time, you could screenshot the results of both polls and input them to the same slide to discuss?

The second part asking about the graph is not possible at this time but we will submit this as a feature request. We currently have Ranking, Rating, Open Text, Word Cloud, Multiple Choice Polls and Quiz and Survey options available.

Let us know if you have any other questions.



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