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Live poll in slido for Power Point - how to avoid the timer and choose when to end the poll?

  • 21 May 2024
  • 1 reply

I would like to manage the poll from slido for power point, but when i put the slide with the poll (word cloud) after a determined time, the presentation goes to the following slides, even though i don’t touch the mouse to switch the slide. how can I handle this and remove this, that looks like a timer?

I would like to stay on the slide with the results of the poll also 5 or 10 minutes in order to comment the results and I don’t want to go to the next slides after few seconds.


Many thanks


1 reply

Userlevel 4

Hey @simonareggiani ,

Is there a timer on your Powerpoint Slides? 

There is only a timer option when you are running a Quiz, which can be disabled. There is not a timer option for the Word Cloud poll, so it might be a setting within Powerpoint. Could you take a look?

Slido should not progress without you clicking next either way, the only thing the timer will do is close the voting and not allow any more submissions to the poll.

Let us know if this helps.

