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How to display the number of participtants with correct answers to all the questions of a quiz??

  • New Participant

Can we display the total number of correct answers for the whole quiz ?

I found how to show the number of correct anserws to each question but I can't find how to present the final result of the quiz in terms of the total number of participants who answered correctly all the quiz questions 

Kat from Slido

Hello ​@Ala 

Slido quizzes will automatically generate and display a leaderboard after the final quiz question. The leaderboard displays the top five participants in Present mode, while at the same time telling every participant how they finished on their own devices. Quiz participants are automatically ranked based on the number of correct answers they chose and how quickly they responded.

Each participant will see the place they finished on on their screens as well, even if they finish lower than 5th place.

You can also export your leaderboard to show all participants and how well they did with your quiz.

I hope this helps!

  • New Participant
  • March 11, 2025

Hi Kat,

Can I present on the screen at the end of the quiz how many participants had responded all questions correctly? I need this as part of a live game. is there such an option? or to quickly analyze this kind of report and show it to the audience? it could be either in number or %



Nikki from Slido

Hi ​@Nitzi

I'm afraid there's no such option directly in the Quiz. However, on our paid plans, you could access your poll Analytics where you could review, export and download your post-poll results and data. Specifically in 'Poll results per user' you could then review who voted for which option and then you could manually copy&paste the findings into a presentation so you could share it with your audience. 

Hope this helps. 



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