Understanding Account Analytics exports

  • 19 May 2022
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Userlevel 4

You can export your account analytics to see and analyze data from all events in your account within a specific time frame. This article helps you to better understand the data in your exported sheets.


Here’s the list of export options available under Account analytics:


This data is only available for owners or admins of accounts with additional members or users.

Let’s now look at each export sheet and export columns in detail.


Quick overview

This export includes a summary of events as well as user data in your account. Under export columns, you will find:

  • Utilization rate: Percentage of occupied seats to the total number of purchased/available seats.
  • Occupied seats: Number of seats that have been filled 
  • Purchased seats: Number of purchased seats under your account
  • Created events: Total number of events created, including active and past events
  • Active events: Events that are currently running within specified event dates
  • Active participants: Participants who’ve interacted with at least one poll, asked a question or upvoted a question
  • Questions: Number of questions asked by the participants
  • Likes: Number of all the upvotes and downvotes from the Q&A sessions  
  • Poll votes: Number of all poll votes across all your events
Account Analytics exports: Quick overview


Organization statistics 

You can use this export to find out more about your team members and how they’re using the account. Under export columns, you will find:

  • Active members: Number of users that created or used at least one event (except for stale users that created only one event and never used it) 
  • Usage limit: Total number of seats available under your account
  • Invited: Number of people who were invited to join your account as members
  • Joined: Number of users who joined your account as members
  • Deactivated: Number of users who were deactivated by you (owner/admin) 
  • Removed: Number of users who were removed from your  account
  • Active events: Events that are currently running within specified event dates
  • Created events: Total number of events created, including active and past events
  • Joined participants: Number of people who joined your events as participants
  • Active participants: Participants who’ve interacted with at least one poll, asked a question or upvoted a question
  • Questions: Number of questions asked by the participants
  • Likes: Number of all the upvotes and downvotes from the Q&A sessions  
  • Poll votes: Number of all poll votes across all your events


Account Analytics exports: Organization statistics



This sheet shows an overview of all the questions from all the events with Q&A sessions. You can use this data to capture valuable insights from your Q&A sessions. Under export columns, you will find:

  • Question ID: Every question has a unique ID 
  • Question text: The complete text of a participant's question
  • Upvotes: Number of upvotes received 
  • Downvotes: Number of downvotes received if the downvotes feature is enabled (value would be zero if downvotes were turned off or if the question received no downvotes) 
  • Starred: Shows whether a question has been bookmarked or not (1 means yes and 0 means no)
  • Status: Status of the question at the time of the export (Can be Live, Rejected, Archived, or Pending to be approved)
  • User ID: Each participant has their own assigned randomly generated ID assigned
  • User email: Email of the participant if they provided it (they can still choose to interact anonymously depending on your Event Settings)
  • User company: Company name of the participant if they provided it 
  • Event ID: Each event has a unique randomly generated ID assigned
  • Event name: Name of the event 
  • Room ID: Each room has a unique randomly generated ID
  • Room: Name of the room in case Multiple Rooms feature was used.
  • Sentiment: The estimated sentiment of the question, see how we analyze sentiment
  • Submission at (UTC): The date and time at which the question was posted
Account Analytics exports: Questions



Questions votes 

This export will give you an overview of all the questions in your events with their votes, so you can track the most popular ones. Under export columns, you will find:

  • Score ID: Each question upvote (or downvote) has a unique randomly generated ID
  • Question ID:  Each question has a unique randomly generated ID
  • Question text: Shows the complete text of a participant’s question
  • User ID: Each participant has a unique randomly generated ID
  • Score: The final score of the question is equal to upvotes minus downvotes. (if a question receives 50 upvotes and 10 downvotes, the score is 40) 
  • Submission at (UTC): The date and time at which the question vote was submitted


Poll overall


In this file, you can see the overall information of all the polls in the events in your account. Under export columns, you will find:

  • Poll ID: Each poll has a unique randomly created ID 
  • Poll type: Shows whether the poll was Open text, Word cloud, Rating, Ranking, Multiple choice, Quiz poll 
  • Poll question: The full text of your poll question
  • Poll option: The answer options to the poll question in the previous column (Only exists for polls with options, i.e. Open Text poll doesn’t have options)
  • Correct answer: 1 indicates that the answer option in the same row was the correct answer, and 0 indicates that it was not the correct option
  • Count: The total number of participants who voted for that specific answer (if it is either an open text poll or a word cloud, the answer will be 1)
  • Total votes: The total number of votes received in that poll
  • Survey ID: Each survey has its unique randomly created ID (poll questions that are part of a survey share the same Survey ID)
  • Survey name: If the poll was created within a survey, this will show the name of the survey
  • Room ID: Each room has its unique randomly created ID
  • Room: Name of the room
  • Session name: Name of the session in case Agenda feature was used.
  • Session start: The date and time at which the session started
  • Event ID: Each event has a unique randomly generated ID
  • Event name: Name of the event 
  • Date created (UTC): The date and time at which the polls were created


Poll votes

You can see all the polls in your account and the specific poll votes in this sheet. Under export columns, you will find:

  • Response ID: Each poll response has its unique randomly created ID
  • User ID: Each participant has their unique randomly created ID
  • User name: Name of the participant who voted or Anonymous
  • User email: Email address of the participant who voted if they provided it, or “Anonymous”
  • User company: Name of the participant company if they provided it, or “Anonymous”
  • Poll ID: Each poll has its unique randomly created ID
  • Poll type: Shows whether the poll was Open text, Word cloud, Rating, Ranking, Multiple choice, Quiz poll (polls that are part of a survey are marked by the same Survey ID)
  • Poll question: The full text of your poll question
  • Poll option: The answer to the poll question in that row. Exists only if the kind of poll has options
  • Score: The value received in a rating poll or the position achieved in a ranking poll
  • Correct answer: 1 indicates that the answer option in the same row was the correct answer, 0 indicates that it was not the correct option
  • Survey ID:  Each survey has a unique randomly created ID. Poll questions that are part of a survey share the same Survey ID
  • Survey name: If the poll was created within a survey, this will show the name of the survey
  • Room ID: Each room has a unique randomly created ID
  • Room: Name of the room
  • Session name: Name of the session in case Agenda feature was used
  • Session start: The date and time at which the session started
  • Event name: Name of the event
  • Submitted at (UTC): The date and time at which the vote was submitted



This section shows all the key information regarding all events in your account. Under export columns, you will find:

  • Event ID: Every event has its own unique ID
  • Event name: The name of the created event
  • Date from / Date to: Event dates as set up via event setting
  • Location: City and country where the event was created
  • Owner email: The email of the user who created the event
  • Owner name: The name of the user who created the event
  • Deleted: Shows whether the event has been deleted (1 indicates that the event has been deleted, 0 indicates it still exists in the Admin interface)
  • Date created: The date and time at which the event was created
  • Engagement score: Shows the event engagement level as the sum of questions, likes and poll votes, here’s for the full explanation of the formula


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