Export your poll results and Q&A questions

  • 24 August 2020
  • 45 replies

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Thank you @Meggie from Slido for offering the suggestion! I was able to print several questions at a time that way, but had trouble getting all questions. Someone mentioned ‘resetting’ the quiz so it can be used a second time, so I think my best option is to take the quiz, export the information, then reset the quiz for the ‘real’ event. Thank you!

Userlevel 5

Hey @aprilm,

Great questions!

You can see the names of participants instantly in open text polls (if you enable it) and in the Q&A. For other polls, you can only see participants’ names when you export the results.

The Analytics tab in your admin updates automatically and you can export results at any point during or after the event. As I mention above as well, results will also show up in your admin straightaway after you activate a poll and participants vote in it.

Hope this helps! :)

Hello there!
At the end of the ppt presentation, I would love to show a “perception vs. reality” summary of what my audience answered vs. what is the actual scenario. How can I display both data in a unique slide? 
Thank you so much for your support

Userlevel 3

Hey @MarcoG

It sounds like you want to ask your audience a question and reveal the answer at the end of your presentation? 

Your options would be to manually add the data from the poll into a slide or to take a screenshot of the poll answer to go alongside your reality answer. Alternatively, you can export your poll results and add them to the slide. 

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with!!

I see that you can only use the Quiz feature running live with one question at a time.  We would like to have a series of questions as a quiz that we will get results for after everyone has completed.  I created the quiz in your survey feature but how can I see what scores individuals have achieved (I have marked the correct answer against each individual multiple choice question) and one question is asking participant name?

Userlevel 5

Hey @LClarke75,

You can see participants’ results when you export Poll results per user. In the Excel sheet, you’ll see how each participant voted in every poll within the survey.

Hope this helps :)


Hi @Slido Team ,

When opening the Excel export “Poll results per user”, the columns show the question text only. 

If I use several surveys with the same question I’m not able to deifferciate these survey responses as the column has always the same name without naming the survey name.

The usecase is a Webex Webinar with several slots and I want to get a feedback after each slot. In my case with two ratings in a survey: “presentation quality” and “benefit for you”.

Can you expand the export with the survey name please?

Userlevel 5

Hey @Rouven Webcast Account,

That’s a good catch and I will feed this back.

At the moment, the only way to differentiate between the surveys would be to run them in two different events or to create a room for each survey.

Hope this helps!

Is it possible to export the quiz results, like the “Poll results per user”? I would like to be able to see and save the results of each user - to be able to identify areas where individuals had problems.


Userlevel 4

Hey @Kris Syvertsen ,

When exporting Poll Results per User, this should also include each Participants response to each of your Quiz Questions.

Could you check that this is working for you?


I don’t see that option under quizzes, am I looking in the wrong place?


Userlevel 4

Hey @Kris Syvertsen ,

You will need to go to the Analytics tab to export any data from the event, not the poll itself.

And then choosing Poll Results Per User. Both links will have steps and gifs showing you where and how to find these.

Let us know if you have any other questions!



is it possible to export analytics separately per room in a pdf file?





Hey Giovanna,

You can export all questions and poll results for the whole event or per room. Select the format that works best for you, be it a comprehensive online infographic, Excel file, or pdf. Learn more about the exports in the Export your data article.

When it comes to PDF, it will be one file, but the analytics will be divided there per room.

Hope this helps!

Hello my export functionality is there, however when I download the xls files are blank? can anyone help. I think it might be an xls issue. All the answers are there in the dashboard. Appreciate it. 

Userlevel 4

Hey @MoffattS ,

Could you check that you have the Polls and Questions features enabled in the Event Settings?

And could you share what XLS export you are attempting that is showing blank? Are all your XLS files exporting blank?

For further troubleshooting please reach out to support@slido.com

Let us know if you have any other questions.


Can I use slido to order participants who answered all the questions of a quiz in slido correctly to download a certificate?

Userlevel 3

Hello @Mpota,

this is a nice idea but it is not possible to achieve this with Slido. You would have to manually evaluate these participants and send it to them in a different way.

I have upgraded to Engage but i can´t use “Export” - Why?


Userlevel 4

Hey @Martin Pelitz 

Could you email support@slido.com so we can check your account? Engage Plan allows for exporting of results so we’d like to be sure everything is applied correctly!

