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Presentation with Slido in both Zoom AND Webex?

  • 17 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi team,

I use Slido in my training PowerPoint presentations. I recently used it in both PPT and Zoom at the same time and was amazing. Super easy and effortless.


My question though...depending on my client, sometimes I use Zoom and sometimes I use Webex for my trainings. Can I use the same PPT deck in a Webex call if I’ve already used it in a Zoom call. Does it matter? I’m a little nervous to test, afraid I might lose something.

1 reply



It won’t matter at all. You should be able to select the same slido when adding it to a Zoom or Webex call. As long as it’s the same slido attached to your PowerPoint presentation, you’re all good!


I also do trainings using the same PowerPoint deck with different audiences. I always make sure to export the results and reset the interactions after I use it each time 💪
