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Line Breaks and graphs from open text



  1. Line Breaks - I have included them in my questions but they do not appear when presenting  - is it possible to change this so that there are breaks in my sentences when presenting?
  2. How do you produce a live chart/graph of answers from Open Text questions? I’d like to show the % of people that wrote a certain answer




3 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey @annadoherty ,

Thanks for your questions!

  1. Its not currently possible to edit font or add line breaks to Polls, you can add a description to a poll for added context which shows in a smaller font under the main Poll question. 
  2. This is not currently possible in Slido, there is a Beta version of the Pie Chart option with a Multiple Choice poll but we will be deprecating this feature in the fall with our new interface design.

We will submit these both as feature requests for the team to consider in the future.

Let us know if you have any other questions.


Hello, OK thank you. How do you add a description to a question?





Userlevel 4

Hey @annadoherty ,

Apologies, I can see your account has our New Interface which we dont have the poll description feature completed for yet.

I can switch you to the old interface which would then allow you to add a poll description. Would this work for you?

