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Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the old interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.

Use Event Settings to access your event information, change the language of the participant interface, or choose the Present mode colors and add logos. 

You can also disable features you don’t need, integrate Slido with other tools, or turn on additional functionalities and experimental features. 


In this article: 


Access your Event Settings

Once you’ve created your event, you can set up your polls, quizzes, surveys, Q&A, and brainstorming sessions. To access the event Settings, click the gear icon in the upper right corner, or navigate to your event name:  


Accessing Event S​​​ettings


Here’s what you can find under the Event Settings: 

  • General - basic event information such as name, dates, event code, direct link, language, guest invitation, multiple rooms 
  • Privacy - passcode, restricted access, participant privacy, require a name and email option, SSO 
  • Features - moderation for Q&A, disable anonymous audience questions, increase character limit for questions, hide vote counter for polls, fixed order for poll options, replies for questions and ideas, and others
  • Customization - event and partner logo, present mode templates and custom colors, a background picture, participant mode colors, highlight a single question in Present mode and select how many questions will appear on the screen
  • Integrations - PowerPoint, Microsoft Teams, live video, embedding into a website and event app
  • Slido Labs - experimental features
  • My plan - your plan info


Check out our Pricing page to see what’s included in your preferred plan. 


General Settings

If you need to change the information of your Slido event (event name and dates) you initially set up, you can do so in General Event settings. We strongly recommend customizing your event code to something unique and easy to remember for your participants. 

Expand the Additional settings to choose a different location, timezone, and language for your event. Please note that the selected language will be applied to the participant interface and Present mode, however, the polls you have written or the questions that your participants have submitted will not be automatically translated. Your Admin will stay in English.

You can invite someone as a guest administrator to help you approve audience questions and activate polls. If you’ll run multiple (concurrent) tracks during your event, you can also create multiple rooms here. 


General Settings overview


Privacy Settings

This part of Event settings allows you to secure your event with a passcode, grant access only to participants you added to a pre-defined list, or ask everybody to join with their name and email so you can see who asked questions and voted in polls

Learn more about how to secure your event

Privacy settings vary by plan. Visit our Pricing to learn more. 


Privacy Settings overview

With our highest plans (Enterprise, Premium, Institution) you can set up Single sign-on authentication (SSO) for both your license members and participants. 



Features Settings


In this section, you can adjust the settings for particular features. To turn off the features you won’t need, simply toggle them off. Ideas and Agenda are turned off by default. 

Below, you can find the overview of all additional feature settings:

Features Settings overview


For Audience Q&A: 

Once your participants enter the event, they can submit their questions anonymously or with a name and upvote questions from others. As an admin you can enable or disable the following:


For Live polls: 

In the Live polls tab, you can choose from 5 types of polls (1 poll = 1 question): Word cloud, open text, multiple choice, rating, and rating poll. Additionally, you can create a quiz, which is a set of multiple choice polls, or activate multiple polls at once via a survey

You need to activate your polls for the participants to be able to vote on them. There’s an option to hide the results while people are submitting their responses to get an unbiased vote and lock the voting when you’re ready for final results. Apart from those, you can also turn on or off: 

  • Fixed order of poll options - to prevent random order of options in Multiple choice poll and Ranking poll
  • Vote counter - the number of participants voting in polls displayed in the upper right corner of the Present mode
  • Poll results - change to the number of votes instead of percentage 


For Ideas:

You need to turn on Ideas from Features Settings for them to appear in your admin tabs. Once you create and activate a topic, your participants can submit their ideas and upvote them.

Here are your settings options for ideas: 

  • Downvotes - to enable negative votes on ideas 
  • Replies - to allow comments on ideas
  • Anonymous Ideas - to allow submitting ideas without the participant’s name
  • Maximum idea length - up to 300 characters per idea

Ideas can’t be moderated, but you can send them to the archive or delete them on the go. 


Customization Settings

You can customize the look of your Present mode and participant interface.

Our higher paid plans (Professional, Enterprise, Premium, Department, and Institution) allow you to add Branding (logos, background image), and adjust the colors according to your event or company design.

For Present mode, you can choose from more than 30 color themes, decide how many questions will appear on the screen or display only one highlighted question, and turn on/off the latest submitted question.

If you’d like to share a presentation or a link to your website with your participants, you can add them to external links in the Participant mode part. With higher paid plans, it is also possible to set up a welcome screen and set the custom colors. 


Customization settings overview



Integrations Settings

Whether you’re planning on using Slido with your presentation, live video or embed it into a website or event app, you can find it in the Integrations section. 


Integrations Settings overview

Current integrations: 

All tutorials, including setting up Google Slides, Google Meet, or Hopin with Slido can be found in Using Slido with other tools



Slido Labs

You can turn on the Beta features or request early access to experiments under Slido Labs:

Slido Labs overview

Learn more about current options in Experiment with Slido using Labs article.


My plan

If in doubt, you can always double-check which plan was applied to your event. Click the button to see Pricing for more options. 


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