
Showing all quiz results at the end of a lecture

  • 30 September 2021
  • 5 replies

I want to begin each lecture with four questions to ascertain knowledge of the subject matter that the participants may already have. I do not want them to see the results of the quiz at this point. At the end of the lecture, I will give the same quiz again, but after the time is up for the last question, I would like to reveal the results of the first quiz compared with the results of the second quiz.

I’m a real newbie and right now I’m trying to figure out how to keep the results from showing even though I have unchecked the “Show Results” box.

5 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi @houstonian2000

No worries! Happy to help :)

Do you mind sharing a bit on your setup? Are you by any chance using Slido in an integration?

You can definitely run a quiz without showing the results nor the correct answer. However, this will have to be done manually, within the admin, so: 

  1. Activate and start the quiz
  2. Let people join your quiz
  3. Once everybody’s in, activate the first question
  4. Jump to the next question, by clicking on the arrow right next to it. 


As for comparing results, there isn’t a specific feature within Slido how to compare quiz results, however, you can either screenshot the results and then showcase them after the results of the second one or show the leaderboard of the first quiz and then the second. Adding a guide on how to run a quiz here. 

Let me know if anything isn’t clear, I’d be happy to elaborate or address any additional questions. 

Has there been any advancement in this area?  I would like to ask questions at the beginning, show the responses, but no correct answers then ask again at the end of the presentation this time giving a correct answer following by comparative results as a graph.  

Userlevel 5

Hi @TechQB,

If you don’t want to show the correct answers, then the flow would still be the same as above. You need to activate the quiz, wait for people to join and then jump to questions using the arrows.

There has been one update which might be useful for you, though. At the end of the quiz, when you’re showing the leaderboard, participants can see all of their answers as well as the correct answers. I’m adding a screenshot of what this looks like.

Hope this helps :)

I would also like to show the correct answer.

E.g. “How many countries are people from? 3,4,5 or 6

I would like to show the correct answer AND also the respective countries.

Is this possible?

Userlevel 4

Hey @Coco16 ,

When marking the correct answer in a Quiz, it will still show the other options as well.

You could also use the Multiple Choice poll and select the correct answer for that poll type as well, and when showing the results it will show all options as well as which one is correct.

Let us know if this helps!

