Old Slido

Set up a Q&A session

  • 29 April 2024
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 1

Slido is gradually rolling out a new user interface. If the below steps and visuals match what you are seeing within your account, then you are using the old interface and this article is for you. If not, please see this version.


Once you’ve created a Slido event, your Q&A session is ready to go. There isn’t much else that you have to prepare in advance.


In this article, we’ll discuss some general points to keep in mind regarding a Q&A session.


In this article:


Collecting questions

How your participants can submit questions depends on the event dates that you’ve set up.

  • During the set event dates, your audience can send questions at slido.com using the given event code.
  • If you wish to collect questions also outside of the set event dates, share the event link or download the QR code to share with your participants


The gif below shows how your participants can submit questions in a Slido event. They can do so either anonymously or with their name included.


Submitting a question as a participant


Using moderation

With our paid plans of professional upwards, you can use the Moderation feature which allows you to review the questions submitted by the participants before they appear live for everyone to see. You can approve the questions which you want to be displayed publicly and dismiss the ones you don’t.


You can turn it on or off on the left-hand side of the Audience Q&A tab.


Moderating audience questions


Presenting the Q&A session


When displaying Slido during your meeting or event, make sure to share Present mode with your audience. You can then also manage the Q&A session directly from there.


Highlight a question that’s being answered and then Mark it as answered once you’re ready to move on to the next question. The questions are sorted by popularity, i.e. the most upvoted one appears at the top.


Displaying questions in Present mode


Question replies

Every Slido plan allows you to reply to submitted questions as admin. This way you can answer questions in a written form or leave a message to a question that is not relevant for the Q&A.

Replies are displayed only in the Participant mode.


Replying as admin to a submitted question


In our Professional plan and higher, you can also enable Participant replies, so that participants can reply to the submitted questions as well.


Commenting on live questions via replies as a participant


Adjusting Q&A settings

There are a few additional Q&A settings that you can adjust under Event settings → Features → Audience Q&A. 

  • Downvotes - Enable downvoting of questions
  • Replies - Allow participants to reply to or comment on questions
  • Anonymous questions - Let your participants send anonymous questions
  • Maximum question length - Adjust the maximum length of submitted questions


There are three additional settings under Event settings → Customization → Present mode → Audience Q&A.

  • Number of displayed questions - Adjust the number of displayed questions in Present mode (4, 5 or 6)
  • Latest question - Decide if you want to show the most recently submitted question in Present mode or not
  • Fullscreen highlight - Once you highlight a certain question, it shows in fullscreen


Using Labels

Labels offer an easy solution to categorize and filter questions, making your meetings or Q&A sessions more structured and efficient.


Create an announcement

If you want to share some important information with your audience during a Q&A session, you can use the moderator’s announcements functionality.



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