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I am trying to package this application for multiple users silently without launching and the add-in doesn't install. Tried copying the user content add-in files but it gives permission error for other users. is there a way to package this for multiple users silently without launching the application?

Hello @shi, 

Mikaella here from Slido -  thanks for reaching out and your patience! 

As admin, you can deploy or finish the registration to PowerPoint on behalf of the user using our command. The command must be run in the context of the user account. Command to finish the installation is below:

/Applications/ -RunType install -Silent true


You can follow also follow our IT admin guide below, I hope this helps. 


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out here or 

My best,

Mikaella 😊

Hi, But how do we install .dmg through jamf? if we try to install dmg and create a package with composer with just its giving error related to user id. permissions error.its getting hard code with particular user in which package was created.

how to distribute it to multiple users through a policy?

Hi ​@shi,
I am Jozi from the Slido for PowerPoint team.

The Slido for Mac can be installed using JAMF using the standard method for distributing apps packaged in the DMG image. Just copy the to the /Applications folder.

User will be able to run Slido and use it in the PowerPoint afterwards.


We also support a command line option to integrate with PowerPoint so the user does not have to run the Slido app for the first time. This is the command which Mika shared with you.


If there are operational issues with deploying using JAMF, I would recommend to contact JAMF Support.

Is there also a command to programmatically and silently uninstall per user?

/Applications/ -RunType uninstall -Silent true isn’t cutting it.

Hi ​@Tony at UWO,

can you please contact us at and send us the output of the command?

Hi ​@Tony at UWO,

can you please contact us at and send us the output of the command?

