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Can I track participants answers by name of participant?  Do I need the professional version to do this?

Hi there,

Any Slido plan allows you to require a name and or email for every participant that joins your event. However if you’re using our Basic or Engage plan, participants will have the option to submit anonymously. With the Professional plan, you then have the option to set up participant privacy. This is where you can require names and not allow anonymous responses if you choose. 

Hope that helps!

Joel:  Thanks for the reply.  I should have been more specific.  I need a report that shows who answsered each question by thier name.  Can I do this with the Engage version, or must I have the Professional version?

Hi @pheacock 
Yes, any paid plan (including both Engage and Professional) gives you access to your event’s data exports. As long as participants included their names with their responses (see my previous response), their names will appear with their answers in these exports. 
Specifically, you’ll want to look at the “Poll results per user” export file. This should provide you with what you need.

Hi there, I am going to be purchasing the enterprise option and will be setting the anonymity to default - always stay anonymous.

Is there a way that the admins (me) could still track who answers polls and Q&As without other attendees seeing this information? 


Essentially, we’d like to be able to track a participant’s responses and activities throughout the conference and in pre and post event surveys without any other participants seeing the names. 


Thank you
