
Separating poll results

  • 23 April 2021
  • 5 replies

Is there a way to separate poll results by a previous question? For example, can we ask for participants to select their gender in the first question and then sort the remaining answers by gender?


5 replies

Userlevel 5

Hi @stacey,

Just to understand your use case correctly, as part of a survey, your participants select a gender at the beginning and then get a different set of questions depending on what option they chose? 

Unfortunately, this is currently not possible in Slido. 

I’ll make sure to submit this as a feature request for our Product Team. 


Please let me know if that answered your question.


Good afternoon Alex, I am following up on this feature, if it has been added to the Slido App, I want to segment my respondents by gender  and age range

Userlevel 5

Hey @Damzaksam,

This is still not possible in Slido, but you can run a survey where you ask participants for their gender and age. When you export the results, you will be able to filter participants’ results by gender and age in Excel.

Hope this helps!

Hi! If I have multiple surveys and polls within one event, is there same sort of unique ID tagged to each person so I can track their answers across the various surveys/polls, etc. So that when I download the results for each segment, I can combine the data for each person.

Userlevel 3

Hi @Styline

There isn’t a unique ID for you to identify how your individual participants answered. You can however, set up your Quiz or Surveys to get your participant names, so you can then export the results and see who voted

Hope this helps! 
